What is The Most Important Thing in Your Life?

My friend once sent me a message, “The most important step in life is finding out what is most important. For some people are too busy, they forget to seek what they’re actually looking for.”

What is the most important thing in my life?

It keeps me thinking, but I can’t find one perfect answer.

Well, I mean, are we supposed to have or to know that ‘one’ most important thing in our life? If it requires only one certain answer, what would it be?

Would it be GOD, faith, love, family, happiness? or what?

What is the most important thing in my life? To be honest, I haven’t decided yet.

I don’t think I have to pick one, though.

GOD, faith, love, peace: they are all important, and the list goes on and on, endlessly. I think I can put them all together in a big box, and put a label on it “IMPORTANT.”

I don’t think I have to pick one, or I just haven’t decided it yet.

I don’t know.

By the way, what is the most important thing in your life?